Sunday, May 1, 2011

Eugene Marathon 2011

My name is Ed Clarkson (aka Indigo Montoya) last year you, Eugene Marathon, killed my dreams of a sub four hour marathon. Prepare to die!

At the age of 40, I sought out to do what I have only done once before in 2009…a sub four hour marathon. I figured this would give me a good stepping-stone of confidence for my Vineman 2011 training. Two years ago I completed the Eugene Marathon with a total time of 3 hours 53 minutes and 35 seconds. This was my second marathon and the sub for hour marathon gave me the big shot of running addiction. I have now spent the next couple years trying to repeat this achievement. However, my "eating like a teenager on vacation" diet lead me to gaining about 20 pounds every winter. Last year I tried the four hour marathon again, only to be reminded that a 200+ pound person with my chicken legs does not make for good running. I finished my 2010 Eugene marathon in OVER five hours. I was ok with that. I had been battling high blood pressure and meds were making me cramp and have very limited energy. I left that experience feeling happy with my accomplishment, but disappoint in my time. My training was not good. I vowed that year to not let it happen again.

I tried for the sub four hour dream again in Portland 2010, only to get a 4 hour 16 or 19 minute result. I remember walking quite a bit towards the end of the run. Disappointed again, I agreed to keep running through the winter and not gain those extra pounds.

Late 2010 progress was going well. I joined weight watchers (for a few weeks), lost 15 or so pounds, trained, then ran a great 1 hour 46 minute half marathon. I was very excited. I knew that I was progressing in the right direction.

Then December 20th I would get the scare of a lifetime. Paige, my wife, went to the Doctor’s office to be diagnosed with having a stroke. The next day, after several tests, her diagnosis was changed to Multiple Sclerosis. Over the next week the illness progressed and she lost control of her left leg and arm. Merry Christmas! It was a tough time. My lurking dream of possible qualifying for Boston (far out their dream) was dead. But that was ok. I have always tried to make my running 2nd to my family. That’s why I am out there running at 5 AM on Saturdays. ...hoping that my family stays awake while I run. Long story short, my sympathy appetite (I tend to eat a lot when times get tough) lead me to gain the 15 pounds I fought so hard to lose. My energy to do any exercise at all was drained. I was watching my hopes of a sub 4 marathon and quest to become a Vineman dwindle away.

Paige fought back, ate an incredibly healthy diet, gave herself (I helped when I could) shots three times a week and sought out as much advice as possible. In mid February she gained control of her leg and started walking again. Later she regained use of her arm. As her progress led her to be stronger, I took that as my cue to get back out there and start training again. Then, Paige lost her mom to cancer in March. I find strength in Liz now as I run! She is missed greatly, but leaves a legacy of endurance, strength and perseverance that helps many!

With Vineman looming in the distance I got back in the pool, got on the bike and started running again. Little by little I was getting faster, stronger and losing a bit of weight. I’m still about 3 pounds from where I was in November, but am satisfied with progress. I hope to lose another 10 or so. Every pound lost makes for easier long runs. I owe a lot of my training success to three things: my family for tolerating me (although I still try to schedule most of it while they are asleep in the early AM), the Smart Coach application from Runner’s World and the Triathlon Magazine TriathlonTraining Plans book. From day to day I knew what I had to do, as the plans we tailored to my experience and needs.

Today, as a 40 year old, I sought out to improve on my marathon personal record. The first half was easy. I was excited. I was turning out low 8 minutes per mile pace times. I was running quick enough to catch up to the 3 hour and 40 minute pace team. I now see that as a sign that I was running too fast. ..but it felt so comfortable. I later slowed down a bit in order to hold some for the finish. At the half way mark, I calculated that I was about five minutes ahead of my 3 hour 50 minute pace time. I was now running in the 8 min 30-50 second per mile range. At mile 17 I lost my 8-9 min per mile pace and succumbed to muscle fatigue. I started to put down low to high 9 minutes per mile. Argh! …and I was slowing down. At mile 22 the 3:50 pace team passed me. I hate it when that happens! I was soo far ahead. I thought I had them. Quads and buttocks were burning in pain! At mile 24, with two miles to go, I had to walk! I was very calculative, though, and I saw that I had enough time “banked” that I could walk and still pull out a time good to accomplish a personal best. …I walked for two minutes, even that hurt. I got back to running. I thought to myself, “It’s now just a run to the local school track and back.” But that was not enough, and with 1.5 miles to go, I walked for another minute. Looking at the watch, I now had 12 minutes to cover about 1.4 miles. …a 10 minute per mile pace may do it. …and it sooo short. But it’s sooo painful. Would I have to walk again? Thinking of all that had happened in the last 6 months, Paige recovering from M.S. and losing her mom to cancer, I dug deep and limped a half mile at 8 min 46 sec per mile pace. Now seeing historic Hayward Field, I “sprinted” a sub 8 minute mile... and finished at….3 hours 52 minutes and 3 seconds. A NEW PERSONAL RECORD…at 40 years old!

I am slower than some, faster than some. But today I was MY best! ..and to me, that’s what it is all about.

I owe a lot to my family and hope that I don’t bug them too much with all my training.

I can now say that I am in the best shape I have ever been in (at least for my adult life). I hope this will help me to my accomplish my ultimate goal of completing the Vineman with just under 100 days to go.

Next up

Sprint Triathlon with Quinlan on 5/21

Newport Marathon (my marathon birth place) 6/4

Half Ironman Triathlon 6/25

Vineman Triathlon 7/31

P.S. Are you motivated to be in good physical condition? Today I was motivated by a 48 year old man who ran his first marathon at 3 hours and 53 minutes. Awesome for him!!!